Percocet drug addiction is a problem that can affect people from all walks of life; it is not a drug that is reserved for only the wealthy or those living at or near the poverty line. Dependency on Percocet usually starts at the hospital or medical facility where a patient is receiving treatment for a painful accident, illness or chronic disease and is initially supervised by a medical professional. Fortunately if a patient does develop a Percocet drug addiction, there are numerous options for treatment. Facilities like the Horizon Clinic offer exceptional care and progressive treatments in the form of alternative and less habiting-forming medications. There are other options as well that will be discussed below.
A couple of the most effective medications that patients can be prescribed to combat the effects of their addictive drug of choice are Methadone and Soboxone. These two opioids are designed to help addicts overcome their diseases by negating the chemicals in them that create the dopamine release in the brain and CNS. They are both unique and are used by facilities like the Horizons Clinic with a high level of success to fight Percocet drug addiction.
Methadone – This opioid can help reduce addict’s craving for Percocet by blocking the high that usually comes with usage, while still allowing the pain relieving properties of the drug to help the patient manage their illness or injury. Methadone has proven to be an effective aid in treating heroin, cocaine, amphetamine and prescription drug addicts as they navigate through the detoxification and withdrawal stages of recovering from their addiction.
Suboxone – Also an opioid, but less addictive than Methadone which makes it a good stepping stone as the patient makes their way from Percocet to Methadone and beyond. There are fewer side effects when using Suboxone as well. Patients suffering from Percocet drug addiction can expect to see positive results with the use of Suboxone in a controlled environment such as a facility like Horizons Clinic.